VW Passat repair

+ 1. Ekspluatatsiiya of the car
+ 2. Maintenance
+ 3. Engines
+ 4. Cooling system
+ 5. Power supply system
+ 6. Ignition system
+ 7. Coupling
- 8. Transmission
   + 8.1. Mechanical transmission
   - 8.2. Automatic transmission
      8.2.1. Specifications and characteristics
      8.2.2. General information
      8.2.3. Maintenance of an automatic transmission
      8.2.4. Governing bodies
      8.2.5. Transmission maintenance
      8.2.6. Removal and transmission installation
      8.2.7. Hydrotransformer epiploon
      8.2.8. Search of malfunctions
   + 8.3. Distinctive features of transmission of cars with a full drive of Passat Syncro
+ 9. Drive of forward wheels
+ 10. Suspension brackets
+ 11. Steering
+ 12. Brake system
+ 13. Wheels and tires
+ 14. Systems of heating, ventilation and conditioning
+ 15. Electric equipment
+ 16. Body
+ 17. Electric circuits


Repair B3-B4/Passat B3-B4 Volkswagen Passat>> Transmission>> Automatic transmission>> General information
Automatic transmission and the main transfer are placed in the uniform case cast from an aluminum alloy. All unit carries the name «a transmission assembled with the main transfer and differential» or "transmission". Automatic transmission of VW 096 has four speeds and speed of a backing. Gear shifting in automatic transmission the electronic. To advantages of automatic transmission traditionally refer, first of all, faster and timely gear shifting. Torque transfer from transmission on forward driving wheels is carried out through semi-axes and hinges of equal angular speeds (CV JOINTS). Assembled it is possible to dismantle and establish transmission on the car without engine dismantle. The option of removal of a box after dismantle of the power unit assembled is possible.

If you do not possess sufficient experience on that or the special equipment for carrying out some operations, it is better to provide repair of an automatic transmission to specialists of specialized service station.

When dismantling the mechanism of transmission it is necessary to observe purity and to be attentive to each trifle.
Before the beginning of each operation be convinced available the tool necessary for its carrying out, especially, at performance of the operations demanding application of metrological means.
Automatic transmission and the main transfer are reliable units, and at observance of conditions of the correct operation and timely maintenance their repair and, respectively, dismantling are not required.

Fig. 8.63. Automatic transmission of type 096: 1–hydrotransformer; 2, 4 – a flange of a leading gear wheel; 3–a conducted gear wheel of the main transfer; 5–planetary transfer; 6–cooler of transmission liquid

The device of an automatic transmission (rear view) is shown on fig. 8.63 . Automatic transmission and the main transfer settle down in different compartments in a uniform case. The main transfer for which greasing gipoidny oil is used, is completely isolated from the automatic mechanism. Automatic transmission is greased with exclusively transmission liquid which circulation is provided with the pump. At the idle engine liquid is not pumped over by the pump.

Automatic transmission of type 096
At automatic transmission of type 096 four forward transfers and electronic control. The torque from the engine is transferred to transmission via the hydrotransformer which represents the hydrocoupling providing strengthening of a torque owing to what the best dispersal of the car from a place is reached or at movement with small speed.

Volkswagen car towage with faulty automatic transmission in conditions when forward wheels of the car are in contact to darling can lead to transmission destruction because of possible lack of greasing in it.

One more feature of automatic transmission — existence of a payment of self-diagnostics at the block of electronic control. The payment of self-diagnostics provides tracking of normal parameters of work of transmission, finds the parameters which are beyond established limits and other refusals, and also brings the found refusals in memory and stores information for the subsequent viewing. At specialized service stations the special electronic equipment is applied to reading of information containing in memory of refusals.

The hydrotransformer represents hydraulic coupling. The engine brings the bent blades of a krylchatka of the pump located in the case into rotation. At rotation of blades the stream of transmission liquid which transfers rotation to a turbine wheel connected to the planetary mechanism of transmission is created.
Strengthening of a torque is provided with the central system of blades in the hydrotransformer — the reactor. The reactor is established on the coupling of a free wheeling. The blades of the reactor bent on a profile will redirect a liquid stream from a krylchatka in various sites of the turbine. At higher speeds of rotation when distinction of speeds of rotation of the pump and the turbine is insignificant, the reactor rotates freely and strengthening of a torque stops.

Planetary transfer
Work of transmission is based on hydromechanics principles. Without supportive applications the hydrotransformer cannot provide strengthening of the torque necessary for all road conditions. Torque transfer from the engine is provided with the planetary transfer transferring rotation at various transfer numbers.

Fig. 8.64. Gear wheels of an automatic transmission: 1–transmission case; 2–basis of a planetary gear wheel; 3–leader; 4–a conducted disk; 5–mechanism of a free wheeling; 6–solar gear wheel; 7–driving case; 8–drive of a solar gear wheel; 9–driving gear wheel; 10-coupling 3-y/4-y transfers; 11-coupling 1-y/3-y transfers; 12-backing coupling; 13-a conducted disk; 14-leading disk; 15-converter

The transmission liquid being under pressure, includes and disconnects a number of hydrocouplings 10 (fig. 8.64) and brakes in planetary transfer, than change of transfer number is reached. Pressure of liquid in system is supported by the pump, and the direction of a stream of the liquid influencing various couplings and brake mechanisms, carried out by means of the block of valves.

Block of valves

Fig. 8.65. Elements of management of a transmission: 1–index of a choice of transfers; 2–rotary handle; 3–switch; 4–electronic control unit; 5–block of valves; 6–lamp of the index of transfers; 7–electromagnetic valve; 8–sensor of speed; 9–transmission case; 10-multipurpose switch; 11-parking brake; 12-сапун; 13-index of level of oil (щуп); 14th cover; 15-directing the index of level of oil; 16-oil pallet; 17-oil pump

Gear shifting is carried out by the lever of the selector put in action by the driver. The lever is mechanically connected with the block of valves 5 (fig. 8.65) and puts in action the valve of a manual drive. The valve of a manual drive carries out direct gear shifting. Besides, gear shifting is made by means of the electronic block.

Electronic control unit
The electronic block operates transmission work depending on traffic conditions and provides higher maneuverability of the car. The stream of transmission liquid and its pressure are regulated by means of seven electromagnetic valves. The electronic control unit established under a back seat, includes windings of electromagnetic valves, chooses transfer number and displaces the switching moment in reply to such entrance data, as speed of the car and engine loading.
The electronic control unit can work according to two various programs, depending on a choice the driver of the Sport or Economy modes. In the Sport mode the moment of switching of transfer is displaced in such a manner that inclusion following, raised, transfers is late, owing to what the torque increases, improve dynamics of dispersal and maneuverability of the car. The Economy mode is programmed so that inclusion following, raised, transfers occurs immediately, according to driving conditions owing to what profitability raises.
In the absence of management from the electronic block transmission passes to a mode operated by the valve of a manual drive, located in the block of valves (limp-home mode). There is a possibility of inclusion of the 1st transfer or a backing (situation Revers). At any other situation Drive the hydraulic mechanism includes only the 3rd transfer.

The electronic control unit is subject to obligatory reprogramming in case replacement or adjustment of a butterfly valve, a potentiometer of a butterfly valve, a cable of a drive of a butterfly valve, and also replacement of the engine or the most electronic control unit were made by transmission.

Main transfer
The main transfer consists of the shaft of selection of capacity given in rotation by teeths of external gear wheels of planetary transfer, and differential with the conducted gear wheel, transferring a torque on a semi-axis. The differential provides rotation of forward driving wheels with different speeds that is necessary at car turn when wheels pass different distances.

Marking of transmission and units

Fig. 8.66. Alphabetic codes and date of manufacturing of automatic transmission (1) ACD codes and the numerical designation 03059 corresponding to date of manufacturing: 3rd (03) 5th months (05) 1989 (9)

Number and manufacturing date are put on a case of automatic transmission. Options of execution of transmission and the hydrotransformer are specified by alphabetic references. Alphabetic codes and date of manufacturing are put in the top part of a case (fig. 8.66) .

Fig. 8.67. The alphabetic code put on a casing of the hydrotransformer

The hydrotransformer is marked by alphabetic codes (fig. 8.67) . These codes also are put with a shtampovaniye on a transmission case (fig. 8.68) .

Fig. 8.68. The alphabetic code put on a case of transmission